How the Facebook Pixel works in eCommerce
22 Apr. 2020
This article explains how the pixel works. We track the traffic using the FB Pixel also any events that happen such as:
- Registration
- Add to Cart
- Purchase
If someone buys and a conversion event such as Purchase code the platform will also post the value of the cart in the Facebook Ad Campaign.
For overall FB Pixel tracking of conversions (all purchases):
add pixel id to Facebook Pixel ID field
add conversion code to Custom Conversion Code on Thank You Page field
1. You place the correct pixel number in eCommerce Settings: dashboard/settings/global#tab_ecommerce
2. Custom Conversion Code on Thank You Page - generally not needed unless you need specific code.
3. eCommerce..Products..Post Purchase...Conversion Codes place this code
fbq('track', 'Purchase', {currency: "%currency%", value: %value%});
(a) Do we also need other code such as registration/add to cart?
No, it's automatically handled
(b) Do we need to put this code on every product or would (1) be a catchall?
No General Settings work for all products
(c) How does it handle foreign currency values?
It sends original order currency and amount to the Pixel.