Our Key Features Include...
Our platform is an all-in-one system with powerful features to help grow and expand your business using communities and elearning.

  Features Startup Premium Enterprise
    Pricing Pricing Pricing
Domains   1 5 50
Hosting Space   25GB 50GB 100GB
Bandwidth (Traffic)   50GB 150GB 300GB
  Sendgrid Emails (40k per month) 100pm 40k 100k
  Anti-Spam Module (Annual Renewal) Option Included Included
  Mautic Email Module Option Option Included
Core & Admin Create and Maintain User Yes Yes Yes
  User Groups Yes Yes Yes
  Tags Yes Yes Yes
  User-Defined Fields Yes Yes Yes
  Personal Area to upload private videos and files including email alerts Yes Yes Yes
  My Zone for End Users (billing, downloads, courses etc) Yes Yes Yes
Pages and Sites Create and Edit Sites Yes Yes Yes
  Page Editor Yes Yes Yes
  Full SEO meta description, favicon, custom CSS Yes Yes Yes
  Multiple Front End Sites* No (1) Yes (5) Yes
  Menu Editor - Public and Community sites Yes Yes Yes
  Footer Editor - Public and Community sites Yes Yes Yes
  Separate pages per domain No (1) Yes Yes
  Rotating Banners Yes Yes Yes
e-Learning Create & Edit Courses* Yes (1) Yes (5) Yes
  Free Courses Yes Yes Yes
  Paid Courses - connected to Ecom and Membership Yes Yes Yes
  Modules and Lessons Yes Yes Yes
  Text, Audio, and Video Lessons Yes Yes Yes
  Success Paths Yes Yes Yes
  Interactive Questions and Quizzes Yes Yes Yes
  Progress Tracking Yes Yes Yes
  Tasks Assigned to Lessons Yes Yes Yes
  Goals Assigned to Lessons Yes No Yes
  Comments Yes Yes Yes
  Transcripts and Resources Tabs Yes Yes Yes
  Hide Attendees in Course Area Yes Yes Yes
e-Commerce Create/Edit Products* Yes (2) Yes (20) Yes
  Customer Management Yes Yes Yes
  Quick Check Out (Very Cool!) Yes Yes Yes
  Membership Plans* Yes (1) Yes (5) Yes
  Membership Recurring Billing Yes Yes Yes
  Foreign Currency Pricing Yes Yes Yes
  AutoDetect Visitor for Currency Yes Yes Yes
  Manage Orders, Invoices, and Quotes Yes Yes Yes
  Pricing Tables Yes Yes Yes
  Thank You, Page, with video  Yes Yes Yes
  Link Courses to Products (Free or Paid) Yes Yes Yes
  User-Defined Fields on Invoice (as at checkout) Yes Yes Yes
  Payment Gateways - Stripe Yes Yes Yes
  Payment Gateways - Paypal Yes Yes Yes
  Payment Gateways - eWay Yes Yes Yes
  Digital Products Delivery and Files Hosting Yes Yes Yes
  Physical Delivery Tracking and Management Yes Yes Yes
  Receipts Yes Yes Yes
  Product Categories Yes Yes Yes
  Tax Codes, Handling, and Reporting Yes Yes Yes
  Delivery Zones Yes Yes Yes
  Conversion Tracking Codes (per product) Yes Yes Yes
  Facebook Purchase Conversion Tracking Including Cart Value Yes Yes Yes
  Post Purchase Allocation to Groups Yes Yes Yes
  Post Purchase Tags Yes Yes Yes
  Pre-Purchase Tags (as part of Quick Checkout) Yes Yes Yes
  Purchase Email Confirmation with Invoice/Order Yes Yes Yes
  Post Purchase - auto add to subscription List Yes Yes Yes
  Post Purchase - auto-create tickets Yes Yes Yes
  Post Purchase - auto-create emails Yes Yes Yes
  Limit 1 Purchase per product Yes Yes Yes
  Tracking Reference Yes Yes Yes
  Shipping Instructions (At Checkout) Yes Yes Yes
Shipping Module Handles complex shipping needs including APIs No No Yes
  Weights and Measurements per product No Yes Yes
  Transactions (linked from orders) No No Yes
  Couriers No No Yes
  Shipping Rules No No Yes
  Integration with Sendle No No Yes
  Integration with Australia Post No No Yes
Social Community Member Posts (coming soon) Yes Yes Yes
  Ask The Community Button (coming soon) Yes Yes Yes
  Special Interest Groups (coming soon) Yes Yes Yes
  Post Feed (coming soon) Yes Yes Yes
  Like, Comment  (coming soon) Yes Yes Yes
  News Feed (Shows latest blogs and podcasts) Yes Yes Yes
  Community Directory Yes Yes Yes
  Currently Online Yes Yes Yes
  Scrolling Side Banners Yes Yes Yes
  Edit Profile (shows blogs, courses and podcasts) Yes Yes Yes
Blogs Create/Edit and Schedule Posts Yes Yes Yes
  Blog Feature Image Yes Yes Yes
  Hide Featured Image on Blog Page Yes Yes Yes
  Video Feature Yes Yes Yes
  Comments Yes Yes Yes
  Share Buttons Yes Yes Yes
  Categories Yes Yes Yes
  Enable/Disable Blogs Yes Yes Yes
  Alert Emails when the next blog is available (subscription Module) Yes Yes Yes
Podcast Create/Edit and Schedule Podcasts Yes Yes Yes
  Podcast Feature Image Yes Yes Yes
  Multiple Podcast Shows (1 per domain) No (1) Yes Yes
  Podcast Show Page  Yes Yes Yes
  Seasons Feature      
  Video Feature Yes Yes Yes
  Comments Yes Yes Yes
  Share Buttons Yes Yes Yes
  Categories Yes Yes Yes
  Enable/Disable Podcasts Yes Yes Yes
  RSS Feed Yes Yes Yes
  Link audio file to your own file host or upload Yes Yes Yes
  Play count Yes Yes Yes
  Statistics (coming soon) Yes Yes Yes
  Podcast Guest Application, Approval and Interview Process Yes Yes Yes
  Call to Action Buttons (for subscription etc) Yes Yes Yes
  Alert Emails when next episode is available (subscription Module) Yes Yes Yes
On-Demand Shows Module Coming Soon No No Yes
  Ability to create a show and episodes No No Yes
  Paid or Free Shows No No Yes
  Show Page No No Yes
Bookstore Add Books from Amazon ASIN Yes Yes Yes
  Add Custom Buttons Yes Yes Yes
  Show Book Reviews Yes Yes Yes
  Search Books Yes Yes Yes
Knowledge Base Create/Edit Articles Yes Yes Yes
  Knowledge Base Categories Yes Yes Yes
  Featured Articles Yes Yes Yes
  Restrict Category access by Group Yes Yes Yes
  Approval Process Yes Yes Yes
  Enable/Disable Articles Yes Yes Yes
  Article Icon Yes Yes Yes
  Videos and Images Yes Yes Yes
  Link a product or custom link Yes Yes Yes
  Public or Logged in Users Yes Yes Yes
Support Tickets Create Ticket - by user Yes Yes Yes
  Ticket Priority Levels Yes Yes Yes
  Ticket Status Yes Yes Yes
  Attach Images Yes Yes Yes
  Auto emails customer your responses Yes Yes Yes
  Auto Create Tickets from Products and Surveys Yes Yes Yes
  Ticket Departments Yes Yes Yes
  Create and Update Ticket Via Email Yes Yes Yes
  Allocate Ticket (admins) to user Yes Yes Yes
Marketing & Promotion Create Subscription Lists for Podcasts and Blogs Yes Yes Yes
  Edit Pre-Defined Emails Yes Yes Yes
  Call to Action Buttons (site-wide use) Yes Yes Yes
Gamification Coming Soon Yes Yes Yes
Affiliate Marketing Create Affiliates Yes Yes Yes
  Track Sales from unique affiliate codes from any product, page or post Yes Yes Yes
  Sticky Cookies Yes Yes Yes
  Change Affiliate attached to the sale Yes Yes Yes
  Affiliate Reporting (Coming Soon) Yes Yes Yes
  Affiliate Approval & Agreements (Coming Soon) Yes Yes Yes
  Affiliate Payments (Coming Soon) Yes Yes Yes
Masterminds Coming Soon No No Yes
Coaching & Consulting Coming Soon No No Yes
Events Create Event (Private, Public, Group) (Module Coming Soon) Yes Yes Yes
  One-off, Recurring Yes Yes Yes
  Paid or Free Events Yes Yes Yes
  Event Thank You & Sales Page Yes Yes Yes
  Event Live Page Yes Yes Yes
  Reminder Emails Yes Yes Yes
Survey, Questions & Quiz Create/Edit Quiz Yes Yes Yes
  As part of Course Lessons (very powerful!) Yes Yes Yes
  View/Export Responses Yes Yes Yes
  Question Sections [shows tabs on live survey] (Looks Nice!) Yes Yes Yes
  Opened ended questions Yes Yes Yes
  Drag and Drop Questions and Outcome Order Yes Yes Yes
  Image Quiz Yes Yes Yes
  Multiple Choice Answers (checkbox, dropdown, radio button) Yes Yes Yes
  Public and Private Surveys (Anonymous Option) Yes Yes Yes
  Survey Outcome Pages with optional video/image and CTA Buttons Yes Yes Yes
  Survey Footer Yes Yes Yes
  Mandatory Questions Yes Yes Yes
  Valid Answer Selection Yes Yes Yes
  Tag/s Survey Responder overall or per answer Yes Yes Yes
  Add Survey Responder to Groups Yes Yes Yes
  Box Types (text, text area, dropdown, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons,tos) Yes Yes Yes
  Redirect Survey Button at Summary Page Yes Yes Yes
  Show Survey Summary and Upsell Page Yes Yes Yes
  Signup Content Page Yes Yes Yes
  Show/Hide Survey Progress Yes Yes Yes
  Auto Create Tickets on Submit Yes Yes Yes
  Score Based Outcome Calculator Yes Yes Yes
  Accept Terms and Conditions Select Box Yes Yes Yes
  Prefix in front of question  eg.  https://... Yes Yes Yes
  My Responses area in My Zone (shows surveys done with results and links) Yes Yes Yes
Project Management Create Tasks and Projects No Yes Yes
  Manage Time Billing No Yes Yes
  Create/Edit Time Billing Departments No Yes Yes
  Timesheet Management and Payment No Yes Yes
Analytics Visitor Map Yes Yes Yes
  Heatmaps, Sessions Recordings, A/B Testing, Funnels, Goals, Form Analytics No No Yes
  Content Interactions Yes Yes Yes
  Campaign Tracking No No Yes
  Ecommerce No No Yes
  All the standard metrics you’d expect from a quality web analytics tool Yes! Yes! Yes!
Zapier Sync User Records in and out Yes Yes Yes
  Sync Invoice Records out (coming soon) Yes Yes Yes
Integrations QuickBooks Online (coming soon) No No Yes
  Sendle (Premium as part of shipping module) No No Yes
  Australia Post (Premium as part of shipping module) No No Yes
  Click Bank Yes Yes Yes

* Limitations to active records that can be created, for larger contacts please contact us.

Administration Dashboard
This is the heart of the Evolvepreneur system. Where an administrator (based on user roles) can create, edit and maintain the platform.
Access modules such as:

  • Users
  • Gamification
  • e-Learning
  • Blog
  • Frontend pages
  • Knowledge Base
  • e-Commerce
  • Super Admin Settings


One of the major features of the platform is the ability to create courses for your members. They can be either free or paid courses.

  • Free or Paid Courses
  • Text, Audio and Video Lessons
  • Interactive Questions and Quizes
  • Progress Tracking
  • Goals and Tasks assigned to lessons
  • ​Success Path System
  • ​Comments
  • Transcripts and Resources Tabs


Modules & Lessons
One of the major features of the platform is the ability to create courses for your members. They can be either free or paid courses.

  • Modules and Lessons
  • Text, Audio and Video Lessons
  • Interactive Questions and Quizes
  • Progress Tracking
  • Goals and Tasks assigned to lessons
  • Success Path System
  • Comments
  • Comments


eCommerce is core to our platform is the ability to create products for sale and handle the entire sales process. These products can be physical or digital as well as recurring billing for memberships.

  • Create/Edit Products
  • Foreign Currency
  • Payment Gateways (Stripe/Paypal with more being added)
  • Manage Orders, Invoices and Quotes
  • Digital Delivery
  • Physical Delivery Tracking and Management


eCommerce is core to our platform is the ability to create products for sale and handle the entire sales process. These products can be physical or digital as well as recurring billing for memberships.

  • Product Categories
  • Membership Plans
  • Recurring Billing
  • Customer Management
  • Tax Handling and Reporting
  • Physical Delivery Tracking and Management


Social Community
Imagine that someone buys a book from your front end website and after that sale is handled to be taken to an entire community website. Your sale is not just a number they are now being exposed to your entire business and your community.

  • Member Posts
  • Ask The Community Button
  • Special Interest Groups
  • Post Feed
  • Like, Comment and Share


You can create blogs in the traditional way that is totally intergrated and displays on the front end and back end membership areas.

  • Create/Edit and Schedule Posts
  • Blog Feature Image
  • Blog Feature Image
  • Comments
  • Share Buttons
  • Categories
  • Enable/Disable Blogs



Have your own podcast and handle it in one place. No messy hosting issues or complex setup.

  • Create/Edit and Schedule Podcasts
  • Podcast Feature Image
  • Video Feature
  • Comments
  • Share Buttons
  • Categories
  • Enable/Disable Podcasts
  • RSS Feed
  • Link audio file to your own file host
  • Play count


The bookstore module allows you to add your books or even books that you would like to feature in the front website and member area.

  • Add Books from Amazon ASIN
  • Add Custom Buttons
  • Show Book Reviews
  • Search Books


Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base module has 2 key functions. You can allow your members to access various articles which could be simple help or even extending your knowledge. The second way is to create a private "Staff Only" procedures and systems area.

  • Create/Edit Articles
  • Knowledge Base Categories
  • Featured Articles
  • Restrict Category access by Group
  • Approval Process
  • Enable/Disable Articles
  • Article Icon
  • Videos and Images
  • Link a product or custom link


Support Ticket System
You don't have to find support software to handle your customer issues or questions. We have a built-in ticket module to handle any customer contact.

  • Create Ticket (by user)
  • Ticket Priority Levels
  • Ticket Status
  • Attach Images
  • Auto emails customer your responses.


Multiple Front End Websites Leading to Single Back End Platform
This module is a game changer. This means you can create numerous front end websites that could look completely different. But all all ecommerce and back accounts/member area remains the same for everyone. This allows you to promote different angles to your business but they all end in the same place.

  • Create/Disable Domain
  • Full SEO (meta description,keywords,favicon,custom CSS)
  • Separate pages per domain


Evolvepreneur APP Platform (Monthly) Enterprise Plan


Billed per Month, Cancel Anytime
  • All Features of BASIC PLAN PLUS: 100 GB Free Storage additional 50GB for $10pm)
  • Powerful Analytics
  • On-Demand Shows
  • Masterminds
  • Coaching & Consulting
  • Shipping Module
  • Project Management
Evolvepreneur APP Platform (Monthly) Podcasters Plan



Billed per Month, Cancel Anytime
  • Core Administration Panel (1 Domain) Free 25GB Storage (additional 50GB $10pm)
  • Social Community
  • Contact Management (up to 1,000 Users)
  • eLearning & Success Paths (1 Course)
  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Customer Support & Help Desk Module
  • Gamification
  • eCommerce & Memberships (2 Products)
  • Blog Management
  • Podcasts Module (1 Show Page)
  • BookStore
  • Questions,Survey & Quiz Modules
  • Events Module
  • Affiliate Marketing Module
  • Zapier Integrations
  • Other Integrations
  • Some Record limits apply refer to features list
  • Limited to 100 emails per month, upgrade available
  • Antispam Module is recommended and is additional.