Website Manager Module
The Website Manager is one of the most vital and important modules of the system that integrates everything else.
The Website Manager is one of the most vital and important modules of the system that integrates everything else.
One of the biggest features of our platform is the ability to have multiple sites and manage each site's individual pages with their own design and themes. However they all end up in your backend community regardless of where they start.
Our page editor is designed to be highly flexible to allow you to control each page which forms part of our overall template.
Our page editor is based on the concept of elements and we have several pre-built ones that speeds your website launch.
You need the ability to control the navigation of your sites, your way!
We have developed a really cool way to slide multiple clickable images in your front end blogs or podcasts as well as your back end community
Once a website visitor buys or signs up as a user they can gain access to your back end community. We have several features you can choose: