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Training Effectiveness Measurement for Large Scale Programs - Demystified!: A 4-tier Practical Model for Technical Training Managers

by Raman K. Attri


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This book addresses the challenges typical technical training managers, and other technical managers face in justifying the return on investment of their programs, particularly for large-scale, investment-intensive programs. This book describes a very intuitive and practical model for the measurement of the effectiveness of technical training programs. The book is based on a 4-tier Return on Effectiveness (ROE) model developed through years of research, observation, and experience. The ROE model uses four simple indices: training reaction index, improvement index, effectiveness index, and impact trends to convey a full picture of the effectiveness of a training program. This feedback-based and data-based approach enables training managers with a step-by-step approach to collect data, measure important indicators and compute the indices to present evidence of the effectiveness of their training programs to the executives.

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