Compassionate Purpose: Discovering a Life of Fulfilment (Social Mission Revolution)
by Andrea Putting
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If you’ve questioned what is your why, or the purpose of life, reading this book will take you beyond your why. Compassionate Purpose will take you on a journey to discover what true happiness and success are all about.
Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is my calling? These are common questions that haunt everyone at some time in their lives.
Compassionate Purpose is a discovery of the calling to service, giving back or paying it forward. When we find a purpose greater than ourselves, we find a sense of fulfilment that can change our lives. Connecting compassion and the desire for the purpose brings focus to making the difference that we all long to make, along with a sense of fulfilment and joy that creates a legacy worth living.
Using compassion as your guiding principle, you will unlock the secret of living a life of joy and fulfilment. Your sense of worth and value is multiplied when you embrace your compassionate purpose. You may consider it as your self-esteem workbook.
The world changes when you feel good about yourself and do something meaningful while making a difference. It changes for you. It changes for the people you help. This ripples out into the world, creating a legacy worth living.
Incorporating stories from the podcast Social Mission Revolution, you will be inspired and guided through how you can find your Compassionate Purpose.
A quick read that will change your life.
All that is required is a desire to make a difference.
The world is crying out for love and compassion, and in these pages, Andrea challenges us all to respond by finding and living our own compassionate purpose. If the world is to change, we all need to do this work.”
Dr Lynne Reeder - National Lead, Australian Compassion Council.
“The recipe for a productive life is to have a purpose. This book unlocks the
secrets by providing tools to find your unique way of impacting others
that brings gratification and contentedness.
Troy Gray – Founder Charity TV Global
“Compassionate Purpose is a must read for those looking to fulfil their ultimate purpose. With poetic prose and joyful stories, Andrea Putting guides us through practical steps that stir the flames and stokes the fire within long after the
reader has put the book down. It is on that I will revisit again and again.”
Heather Joy Bassett - Business and Life Strategist