CJ Flood


Last seen: 11 Sep 2023

As an ex-Australian Army Infantryman, CJ embodies resilience and transformation. His personal journey of shedding over 45kg and rebuilding his physical and mental well-being has made him an influential speaker, leadership trainer, and marketing strategist. Drawing from his own experiences within the Army, as a Project Manager, and as a Marketing Consultant, he coaches high-performing individuals in business, leadership, and personal growth, providing actionable insights to help them achieve 'peak performance.' A tireless advocate for men's mental health, CJ is devoted to shattering stigmas and fostering open dialogue. His commitment to this cause is highlighted by his monumental challenge of running 60km per day for 30 days to raise awareness and funds for the Movember Foundation. He has a unique blend of personal achievement, leadership growth, and philanthropy inspiring others to conquer obstacles and contribute to a cause greater than themselves. Whether guiding leaders, running for a cause, building communities, or coaching individuals to excel in all aspects of life, CJ Flood continues to inspire others to unlock their potential and make a lasting impact. His multifaceted approach to fitness, life purpose, business, friends and family, and emotional/mental fitness resonates with a wide audience, making him a motivating force across various domains.

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