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Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show

I am your Special Host Richard Wray

Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business.

My very special guest today is Dr Janelle Hoyland Dodd ...

Dr. Janelle Poylan Dodd is a visionary entrepreneur and soul healer who has built multiple successful businesses by following her strong intuition. She believes that each person has a unique "soul blueprint" that guides their path to wealth and legacy. Janelle has developed the ability to see people's past lives and generational patterns that influence their current business and financial decisions. She advises entrepreneurs to tune into their intuition and inner guidance rather than just relying on traditional business strategies. Janelle emphasizes the importance of being open to receiving wealth and breaking free from any limiting beliefs or vows around money that may have been passed down through generations.

Key Moments:

  • Dr. Janelle has a strong intuition and inner voice that has guided her entrepreneurial journey from a young age, even when it was uncomfortable or unconventional.
  • Dr. Janelle has the ability to see people's "soul blueprints" and what their higher purpose or "legacy" is meant to be, which informs her business and wealth advice.
  • Dr. Janelle believes people have made vows around wealth and poverty in past lives that can impact their current relationship with money and earning potential.
  • Dr. Janelle emphasizes the importance of balancing the spiritual/intuitive side with the practical business side when building a successful enterprise.
  • Dr. Janelle advises that not everyone is meant to be the "front person" or public face of a business, and it's important to play to one's strengths.
  • Dr. Janelle cautions against confusing ego-driven ambition with true intuitive guidance, and emphasizes the need to listen to the body's signals.
  • Dr. Janelle suggests that intuitives and creatives often struggle the most with earning and receiving wealth, due to issues of self-worth and vulnerability.
  • Dr. Janelle was able to dramatically turnaround a client's struggling franchise business by addressing both the practical and energetic/intuitive aspects.
  • Dr. Janelle believes this is a pivotal time for intuitives to step into their gifts and use them to create positive change, while also learning to receive financial abundance.
  • Dr. Janelle is working on projects to help people decode ancient spiritual texts and build meaningful "legacy" businesses aligned with their soul's purpose.

About The Show

Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show features guest stories about entrepreneurs and their journeys from startup, growth to success.

If you're looking to succeed with quick start concepts for online entrepreneurs, this brand new show reveals how startup entrepreneurs or someone looking to start, grow or reboot their online business can understand how to create specific strategies to build their list, make offers and connect with their best buyers.

We want to help entrepreneurs make a real difference and navigate the messy world of startup or re-launch.

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