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Evolvepreneur® (After Hours)

As a time-poor, typically underfunded online entrepreneur who receives so much conflicting advice about the best ways to grow your business, how can you compete with the big end of town without any of the resources they have at their disposal?

Our mission is to start a revolution that will help entrepreneurs easily establish their own complete business system that can compete with the big end of town and mainstream social media platforms.

We want to help entrepreneurs make a real difference

Join us today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best blueprints so you can fast-track your business...


EPS08:004 [Caterina Sullivan] ​​​​​​​Mastering Values-Led Entrepreneurship: Your Key to Success

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Caterina Sullivan ... Caterina Sullivan is a passionate social entrepreneur and activist who guides businesses towards sustainability and growth. She grew up in a small business family and has a strong background in value-led entrepreneurship. Caterina discusses how mastering value-led entrepreneurship, which aligns a business's economic, social and environmental goals, is key to success. She provides examples of how smaller businesses are often already doing great sustainable work but don't communicate it effectively. Caterina advises businesses to develop a step-by-step sustainability plan that includes policies around inclusion, community engagement and environmental practices. She emphasizes the importance of being honest about a business's sustainability journey and shortcomings. Read more

EPS08:003 [Frank Iglesias] ​​​​​​​Shifting Your Mindset From Doing to Coaching

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Frank Iglesias ... Frank Iglesias is an entrepreneur and real estate developer who has transitioned from being an IT professional to focusing on real estate. He discusses the importance of embracing both analytical and creative sides, and how coaching has helped him develop confidence and shift his mindset from being a "doer" to a coach. Frank emphasizes the value of having a coach, especially one who has experienced both success and failure, to provide an unbiased perspective and guide you through challenges. He shares examples of how his coaching has helped clients gain clarity and make progress, and offers a free 15-minute coaching call for those interested. The overall message is about the transformative power of coaching in both business and personal life. Read more

EPS08:002 [Dr Janelle Hoyland Dodd] ​​​​​​​How Your Intuition Can Serve Your Wealth Diversity

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Dr Janelle Hoyland Dodd ... Dr. Janelle Poylan Dodd is a visionary entrepreneur and soul healer who has built multiple successful businesses by following her strong intuition. She believes that each person has a unique "soul blueprint" that guides their path to wealth and legacy. Janelle has developed the ability to see people's past lives and generational patterns that influence their current business and financial decisions. She advises entrepreneurs to tune into their intuition and inner guidance rather than just relying on traditional business strategies. Janelle emphasizes the importance of being open to receiving wealth and breaking free from any limiting beliefs or vows around money that may have been passed down through generations. Read more

EPS08:001 [Gregory Styan] ​​​​​​​The Rise of Men's Life Coaching Amid the Great Resignation

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Gregory Styan ... Greg Styan, a certified life coach, teacher, and Master NLP Practitioner, specializes in guiding professionals towards work-life balance and self-discovery. He has a diverse background, including experience in sportsmanship and governance for VIP families. Styan is passionate about unlocking potential and fostering personal growth. His coaching approach focuses on helping men achieve better work-life balance, particularly in response to the COVID lockdowns. He emphasizes identifying clients' authentic selves and priorities through diary keeping and goal setting. Styan's method includes scheduling non-negotiable activities like family time and hobbies before other commitments, enabling clients to prioritize what truly matters in their lives. Read more