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Evolvepreneur® (After Hours)

As a time-poor, typically underfunded online entrepreneur who receives so much conflicting advice about the best ways to grow your business, how can you compete with the big end of town without any of the resources they have at their disposal?

Our mission is to start a revolution that will help entrepreneurs easily establish their own complete business system that can compete with the big end of town and mainstream social media platforms.

We want to help entrepreneurs make a real difference

Join us today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best blueprints so you can fast-track your business...


EPS07:062 [Joanne Tan] ​​​​​​​Brand Building

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Joanne Tan ... Joanne Tapp is the founder of a brand building agency that helps clients develop their brand identity through an in-depth decoding process to understand their message, vision and goals. She guides clients through creating high-quality promotional videos by directing their performances to get authentic emotions. Producing a 5-minute video can take several weeks of work including scripting, filming, and editing footage. Joanne ensures clients fully understand their brand before rebranding and sometimes discovers their true objectives differ from their initial perceptions. Her process provides clarity and inspires clients to achieve their goals, with one even saying sessions with her were better than a decade of therapy. Read more

EPS07:061 [Michael Bremer] ​​​​​​​Boost Self-Belief, Surpass Average

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Michael Bremer ... This episode discusses techniques for continuous improvement in organizations. It explores how setting clear priorities and visualizing important metrics can help drive better decision making. Limiting the number of proposals engineering works on at a time helped one company improve communication between departments and double their win rate. Michael also discusses the importance of leadership taking accountability for improvements and creating a safe environment where honest feedback is possible. Creating systems with integrity was highlighted as important for organizations to work effectively toward their goals. Read more

EPS07:060 [Kent Lewis] ​​​​​​​Stay True and Achieve Growth and Happiness

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Kent Lewis ... Kent had great success running his digital marketing agency, but over time became disconnected from his team and clients. He realized he needed a change when he was unhappy and unfulfilled. Kent created a credo to attract the right people and refocus the company, which helped improve employee retention. However, some employees took advantage of the relaxed culture and stopped respecting him. After a difficult period, Kent rebuilt the agency and focused on caring for his employees above all else. He now works to help companies bridge the gap between excellent employee and customer experiences, which can significantly boost business success. Kent advocates focusing first on creating a top-notch environment for workers as the path to profitability and longevity. Read more

EPS07:058 [Jeff Skipper] ​​​​​​​Relevance, Resilience, and Revenue

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Jeff Skipper ... Jeff Skipper is a consultant who helps organizations change and transform through improving employee performance. He discussed how he transitioned to being an independent consultant after 25+ years working with major companies. An interesting anecdote was how he helped the Salvation Army implement a new system by getting employees comfortable with change. Skipper emphasized the importance of establishing trust with clients and delivering value in order to get referrals and continue working with customers long-term. He also stressed the significance of developing thought leadership through writing to both attract new clients and fuel ongoing business. Read more

EPS07:057 [Angel Anderson] ​​​​​​​Embrace Shift, Thrive in Transformation

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Angel Anderson ... In this episode, Angel (Carlton) Anderson discusses her work helping people embrace change and transformation. She started by creating youth leadership programs for her son's school. This evolved into corporate programs and books to guide people through the 6 stages of transformation: shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and resurrection. Her process helps people understand their purpose and undo self-sabotaging beliefs. Angel shared how being kind to oneself is important during times of change. She also discussed the importance of grieving and releasing relationships or environments that do not support one's goals. Angel's work aims to help people heal and live the life they dreamed of by sharing their gifts with others. Read more

EPS07:059 [Jem Fuller] The Best Is Yet To Come

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Jem Fuller ... Jem Fuller discussed his colorful global life experiences, including living in different countries and running an executive coaching practice and retreat company in locations like the Himalayas and Bali. He believes having an optimistic mindset of thinking the best is yet to come can help people get better results and feel happier. Jem's favorite part of his work is running mindfulness meditation retreats, where participants have profound experiences relaxing into the present moment without expectations. Practicing mindfulness can help people observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment. Jem shared an exercise for beginners to try mindfulness meditation for 5 minutes a day. He also discussed helping a business owner transform her life by overcoming trauma from her past. Read more

EPS06:61 [Olivia Jenkins] ​​​​​​​Learn How to Scale Your Business to 7 Figures

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Mechelle McDonald Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Olivia Jenkins ... Olivia Jenkins, known as the CEO’s Wing Woman, is a leading business consultant specialising in eCommerce. The 16x award winning authority has worked with over 200 CEO’s and business owners including several 7 & 8 figure consumer goods brands including Lust Minerals, Kosmea, Vani-T and more. She has helped her clients collectively amass over $55 million in the 4 short years she has been in business. An entrepreneur herself, Olivia is the owner of multiple 6 & 7 figure businesses and understands firsthand the complexities of running a successful business. Read more

EPS07:056 [Pete Lord] ​​​​​​​Believe Me, The Pain Is Worth It

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Pete Lord ... Pete is a serial entrepreneur who started his career at a bank and has since founded multiple companies, including a successful finance app called MoneyBrilliant that was sold for over $9 million. He discusses his journey of successes and failures in starting various businesses focused on helping people improve their financial literacy and savings habits. Pete believes in failing fast with startups and notes the importance of meditation and stress management from his practice of Qigong in helping him persist through challenging periods. His networking from previous ventures has also opened doors to new opportunities. Read more

EPS07:055 [Scott Montgomery] ​​​​​​​How Unconventional Success Can Be Yours Too

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Richard Wray Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Scott Montgomery ... In this episode, Scott Montgomery discusses his unconventional path to success in building his company Worldgate, which now has over 100 employees. He did not have a traditional education but found opportunities by partnering with others and building trust. His relationships with mentors and customers helped his business grow organically over time. Scott emphasizes the importance of having a supportive partner and knowing your customers' needs before launching a business. While he struggled in school, Scott was able to leverage his self-awareness and people skills to create success unconventionally. He has now written a book capturing lessons learned and wants to pay forward guidance to help others pursuing entrepreneurship. Key Moments: Scott found unconventional success through relationships and trusting partnerships, despite not having a traditional educational background. He started in real estate but was drawn into corporate consulting through connections, leading to the founding of his company Worldgate. Worldgate supports school districts by implementing business systems and providing staffing/project support. Scott attributes much of his success to the people he surrounded himself with and trusting relationships where they learned and grew together. His book outlines lessons from his unconventional path to success, focusing on relationships, partnerships, and self-awareness. Scott sees value in "paying it forward" through coaching and mentoring others now in his career. Having ADHD was initially challenging but taught him self-awareness that helped him succeed professionally. Strong partnership with his wife was also important, including in raising their family. Common mistakes of entrepreneurs is assuming people automatically want what they're offering without testing interest first. It's important to have some customers and product viability tested before fully launching a business. Read more

EPS06:60 [Sally Higoe] ​​​​​​​Lead Fully to Fully Live

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Mechelle McDonald Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Sally Higoe ... Sally leverages over two decades of immersive experience in diverse cultures, high-pressure environments, and remote locations to guide leaders in embracing their roles authentically. Her pragmatic and worldly approach, combined with research-based coaching and interactive training, equips individuals with the skills to cultivate team culture, align values, and lead with energy. Sally is a Certified Coach, Trainer, Extended Disc Behavioral Profiler, and Emotional Fitness Consultant on a mission to enhance trust, certainty, and self-awareness for leaders. Her personal life is marked by adventure alongside her husband Ant, with their children Zander and Skyla destined for greatness. Sally's goal is to simplify decision-making and improve leaders' lives across all aspects. Read more