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Evolvepreneur® (After Hours)

As a time-poor, typically underfunded online entrepreneur who receives so much conflicting advice about the best ways to grow your business, how can you compete with the big end of town without any of the resources they have at their disposal?

Our mission is to start a revolution that will help entrepreneurs easily establish their own complete business system that can compete with the big end of town and mainstream social media platforms.

We want to help entrepreneurs make a real difference

Join us today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best blueprints so you can fast-track your business...


EPS04:29 [Jaime Jay] ​​​​​​​Identify, Hire, and Cultivate

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Mechelle McDonald Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Jaime Jay ... Jaime Jay is the founder and managing director of Bottleneck Distant Assistants. Founded in 2016, Bottleneck is an outsourcing agency that helps businesses identify, hire, and cultivate their workforce through a carefully designed systematic approach to growth. A veteran US Army paratrooper who received the Army Achievement Medal for Meritorious Service, Jay’s additional business experience includes a twelve-year career in corporate America and advanced education in Business Administration and Management at Florida Institute of Technology. Jaime likes networking with big-picture thinkers and proudly proclaims he is unemployable. Read more

EPS03:31 [Karen Gibson] ​​​​​​​Breaking the Cycle of Anxious Parenting

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Christine Campbell Rapin Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Karen Gibson ... Karen Gibson, a wife, and mother of two adult daughters, wrote "Mama's Gotta Let Go: How to Let Go without Losing Your Sanity," which rated #2 in different categories on Amazon Kindle. She founded Brain Builders, a private tutoring business in 1999, whose mission is to prepare students to succeed in and out of the classroom. As a certified neuro-linguistic practitioner, she helps her clients rewire their brains to improve communication and problem-solving skills while overcoming limiting beliefs. She recently co-authored "The Power to Rise," along with 29 women across the globe sharing her story of "The Gift of a Failed Suicide Attempt." Karen founded Letting Go with Aloha in 2019, mentoring stressed parents and those in parenting roles to navigate their journey with peace instead of pain. In 2021, she wrote "One Hundred Parenting Tips Inspired by the Pandemic." Read more

EPS04:28 [Holly Hester] ​​​​​​​Mindset: The Beginner

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Mechelle McDonald Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Holly Hester ... Holly is an Author, Speaker, Actress, Host, and Acrylic Painter. Read more

EPS03:30 [Kevin Dulle] ​​​​​​​Be Your Own Experience Designer

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Christine Campbell Rapin Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Kevin Dulle (dull EE) ... An illustrator, relaxed production architect, CEEE (Certified Experience Economy Expert), Co-Founder of the World Experience Organization, and developer of the experience design tool for non-designers, The ERY Method. Kevin's purpose in life is to help make the ordinary extraordinary by guiding others out of the Service Economy into the Experience Economy. Read more

EPS04:27 [Christine Franklyn] ​​​​​​​Hitting Your Stride

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Mechelle McDonald Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Christine Franklyn ... Christine Franklyn, MBA, is a 2x Amazon bestselling author, professional writer and wellness marketer. She has been featured in several media outlets, such as NBC, FOX, The Boston Herald and The Times, to name a few. As a seasoned marketer who is also a certified health coach, she has discovered the secret to serving more people with ease. Christine uses her G.A.M.E. Plan for Growth System to help healers and other heart-centered entrepreneurs grow their businesses without getting burnt out. Back in her home country of sunny Barbados, she founded The Good Living Network . She serves her clients all over the world virtually and hosts the Reclaim Your A-Game podcast so we all remember that life is meant to be lived fully. Read more

EPS03:29 [Mel Lieber] ​​​​​​​Business Growth With Out Of the Box Finance

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Christine Campbell Rapin Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Mel Lieber ... As a young man with a reputation for being a finance geek, friends and family would regularly ask, “Mel, can you look over my investments”. After scrutinizing dozens of annual reports and portfolios, Mel was flabbergasted at the pattern he saw. Many hard-working, intelligent & successful people had invested in unsuitable plans. They were convinced to buy a product they didn’t need or had badly designed policies that would not yield the returns they could have. To do things differently, Mel founded Financed Premiums. Mel set out with one goal: to provide every individual with the unbiased advice, and impeccable service, that is usually reserved for the elite. While he’s known for his piercing sharpness and astute financial expertise, all agree that Mel’s most impressive characteristic is his unyielding honesty. His clients know that he always has their best interests at heart, and that he’ll go above and beyond expectations to help them achieve their financial goals. Today, Mel and his growing team find their greatest joy in helping their clients make well-informed, accurate financial decisions so they build long-term wealth and leave the meaningful legacy they envision. Read more

EPS04:26 [Lucas Thomas] ​​​​​​​Finding and Building a Community

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Mechelle McDonald Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Lucas Thomas ... For almost a decade, Lucas Thomas has been helping people create wealth, generate passive-income, and ultimately become existence masters. If ​YOU need help building, implementing, and executing YOUR FINANCIAL PLAN, Lucas can help you make it all a reality. Having years of expertise in Real Estate, Paper Assets (Stocks, REITS, Seller Finances, Note-Making, etc.), and Business Creation (Serial Entrepreneur.), he has a holistic knowledge that can help you build your Portfolio of Wealth without having to take on any unnecessary risk. If their is a yield, Lucas Thomas has gleaned it! Read more

EPS03:28 [April Porter] Accelerate Growth and Profits In Record Time

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Christine Campbell Rapin Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is April Porter ... April Porter is a business growth strategist and advisor to hundreds of franchisees and the CEO of Ask April Porter, where she helps franchise owners accelerate their growth and profits in record time. As an award-winning entrepreneur with a proven record of success in growth strategy, April has experienced first-hand the joy of building a business that creates a dream life. Now, she is fulfilling her mission of teaching franchisees how to fill the gap between the franchise model & the executive-level know-how needed to increase revenues, build a reliable team, & scale to multiple locations. Read more

EPS04:25 [John Farrell] ​​​​​​​Why Do We Do What We Do

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Mechelle McDonald Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is John Farrell ... John has been a coach for 20 years, working with elite athletes and businesses. He has worked to pioneer new methodologies in coaching, using the unconscious to process the client's outcomes (cleanlanguage.co.uk). He's running courses in Shadow Work, and personal Transformation - EMF. Read more

EPS03:27 [Ben Eden] ​​​​​​​Showing up for those who need you most

Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show I am your Special Host Christine Campbell Rapin Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Ben Eden ... Eden grew in the corporate world and was an executive for 7 years. He had some side gigs and then went full time solopreneur in 2020. He has experience with HR, business, leadership, short-term rental property, and personal/professional coaching. Read more